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Workout Journey: 8 Tips to Start an Exercise Routine for Beginners

How Often Do YOU Workout? As we all know by now, exercise is great for your body. It helps you build cardiovascular endurance, helps your body control the fat levels, and also manages insulin levels and blood sugar. It's great for your mind and soul as well, it can be a way of releasing stress and being happier, and so many other things. However, there are many reasons why people don't seem to want to work out: they say they don't have enough time or space, they don't want to spend money on equipment or workout gear, and they don't have someone to do it with them, or they simply don't know where to start. Been there, done that. Trust me, I get it, these used to be my excuses as well. When I first started my workout journey, I had no idea where to look and I didn't have money to go to a personal trainer. So I started looking for workout ideas on Google and I found a lot of pictures with exercise ideas and examples. As I said, I didn't know anything, so I tried them all until I almost passed out. I was very unfit. My body was tired after going up the stairs to the 4th floor, but smart me, started doing 20 burpees, 100 crunches, and 15 minutes of running without doing even a little warm-up. I hope you won't make the same mistakes I did. I want to help you find your rhythm and I'm about to tell you how to do that. Seriously, I've learned a lot from my gaffes, so hear me out. Here is your workout journey guide, perfect for a beginner! ...How many times have you thought about embarking on a workout journey, but you've never actually started?